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I'm Hiroki.

a computer programmer

cloud image Hungarian parliament image mountain image
picture of Hiroki

Hi there!

I am a curious, learning-oriented, and resourceful software engineer.

I have over five years of experience working to identify, develop, and execute business operation procedures and software development objectives.

My professional background is in project management, data analytics, compliance, consulting, education and training.

Historian + Programmer

The web is just as much a social creation as it a technical one.

The web does not just connect machines, it connects people.

picture of history books The ultimate goal of the web is to support and improve our weblike existence in the world.
--Tim Berners Lee


My professional experiences and education has better equipped me to:

picture of complexly shaped diagram

Manage Complexity

Analyze complex problems from interdisciplinary perspectives, utilizing various fields of study, resources, and methodologies.

picture of a book with a brain on top

Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn

Contribute as an agile, coachable, self-starter and leader, who can quickly pick up new technologies and design patterns.

picture of a lightbulb with a puzzle piece missing

Engineer Real Solutions

Create work that expresses fluency in critical thought, considers ethical responses to contemporary global challenges, and incorporates diverse perspectives.

picture of two people with a light bulb representing knowledge sharing

Transfer Knowledge

Formulate and present research and ideas utilizing advanced communication skills that are suitable for diverse academic, professional, and cultural contexts.

Want to work together?